
  • Da Re, D., Gilson, G., Dalaiden, Q., Goosse, H., Bødker, R., Jung K. L., Rosà, R., Ogden, N. and Vanwambeke, S., Northward expansion of the thermal limit for the tick Ixodes ricinus over the past 40 years, In review for publication in Global Ecology and Biogeography.
  • Wauthy, S. and Dalaiden, Q., Role of precipitation and extreme precipitation events in the surface mass balance variability observed in three ice cores from coastal Dronning Maud Land, In review for publication in The Cryosphere.
  • Cavitte, M. G. P., Goosse, H., Dalaiden, Q. and Ghilain, N., Brief Communication: annual large-scale atmospheric circulation reconstructed from a data assimilation framework cannot explain local East Antarctic ice rises’ surface mass balance records, In revision for publication in The Cryosphere.
  • Sabourdy, M., Etourneau, J., Crosta, X., Antoniades, D., Dalaiden, Q., Rieger, N., Caley, T., Huguet, A., Sicre, M.-A., Toro, M., Oliva, M., Klein, V., Anquetil, C., Liboudan, E. Giralt, S. Escutia, C., SAM-to-ENSO switch 2,600 years ago controlled Northern Antarctic Peninsula air temperature variability, In revision for publication in Nature Geosciences.
  • Goosse, H., Dalaiden, Q., Francis, F., Mezzinna, B. and Fogt R., A drop in Antarctic sea ice extent at the end of the 1970s. Communications Earth & Environment, 5, 628, (2024)
  • Dalaiden, Q., Abram, N.J., Goosse, H., Holland, P., O’Connor G.K. and Topál, D., Multi-Decadal Variability of Amundsen Sea Low Controlled by Natural Tropical and Anthropogenic Drivers, Geophysical Research Letters, (2024).
  • Fogt, R, Dalaiden, Q. and O’Connor, G.K., A Comparison of South Pacific Antarctic Sea Ice and Atmospheric Circulation Reconstructions Since 1900, Climate of the Past, 20, 53–76, (2023).
  • Dalaiden, Q., Rezsöhazy, J., Goosse, H., Thomas, E.R., Vladimirova, D. O., and Tetzner, D., An unprecedented sea ice retreat in the Weddell Sea driving an overall decrease of the Antarctic sea ice extent over the 20th century, Geophysical Research Letters, 10.1029/2023GL104666 (2023).
  • Lyu Z., Goosse, H., Dalaiden, Q., Crosta, X. and Etourneau, J., Widespread cooling over West Antarctica and adjacent seas over the past millennium, Global and Planetary Change, (2023).
  • Dalaiden, Q., Schurer, A.P., Kirchmeier-Young, M.C., Goosse, H. and Hegerl, G., West Antarctic surface climate changes since the mid-20th century driven by anthropogenic forcing, Geophysical Research Letters, 49, (2022).
  • Rezsöhazy, J., Dalaiden, Q., Klein, F., Goosse, H., and Guiot, J. Using a process-based dendroclimatic proxy system model in a data assimilation framework: a test case in the Southern Hemisphere over the past centuries, Climate of the Past, 18, 2093–2115, (2022).
  • Verfaillie, D., Pelletier, C., Goosse, H., Jourdain, N. C., Bull, C. Y. S., Dalaiden, Q., Favier, V., Fichefet, T. and Wille, J. (2022). The circum-Antarctic ice-shelves respond to a more positive Southern Annular Mode with regionally varied melting, Communications Earth & Environment, 1, (2022).
  • Ghilain, N., Vannitsem, S., Dalaiden, Q., Goosse H., De Cruz, L. and Wei, W. Reconstruction of daily snowfall accumulation at 5.5km resolution over Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica, from 1850 to 2014 using an analog-based downscaling technique, Earth System Science Data, 14, 1901–1916, (2021).
  • Lyu, Z., Goosse, H., Dalaiden, Q., Klein, F., Shi, F., Wagner, S. & Braconnot, P. Spatial patterns of multi–centennial surface air temperature trends in Antarctica over 1–1000 CE: Insights from ice core records and modeling, Quaternary Science Reviews, 271, (2021).
  • Dalaiden, Q., Goosse, H., Rezsohazy, J. and Thomas, E. R. Reconstructing atmospheric circulation and sea-ice extent in the West Antarctic over the past 200 years using data assimilation, Climate Dynamics, 57, 3479–3503, (2021).
  • Goosse, H., Dalaiden, Q., Cavitte, M. and Zhang, L. Can we reconstruct the formation of large open ocean polynyas in the Southern Ocean using ice core records? Climate of the Past, 17, 111–131, (2021).
  • Crosta, X., Etourneau, J., Orme, L., Dalaiden, Q., Campagne, P., Swingedouw, D., Goosse, H., Massé, G., Miettinen, A., McKay, R., Dunbar, R., Escutia, C. and Ikehara, M. Multi-decadal trends in Antarctic sea-ice extent driven by ENSO-SAM over the last 2000 years, Nature Geoscience, 14, 156–160, (2021).
  • Dalaiden, Q., Goosse, H., Lenaerts, J. T. M., Cavitte, M. G. P. and Henderson, N. Future Antarctic snow accumulation trend is dominated by atmospheric synoptic-scale events, Communications Earth & Environment, 1, 62, (2020).
  • Cavitte, M., Dalaiden, Q., Goosse, H., Lenaerts, J.T.M. and Thomas, E.R. Reconciling the surface temperature–surface mass balance relationship in models and ice cores in Antarctica over the last two centuries, The Crysophere, 14, 4083–4102, (2020).
  • Dalaiden, Q., Goosse, H., Klein, F., Lenaerts, J. T. M., Holloway, M., Sime, L. and Thomas, E. R. How useful is snow accumulation in reconstructing surface air temperature in Antarctica? A study combining ice core records and climate models, The Cryosphere, 14, 1187–1207, (2020).
  • Vannitsem, S., Dalaiden, Q. and Goosse, H. Testing for Dynamical Dependence: Application to the Surface Mass Balance Over Antarctica, Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 12125–12135, (2019).
  • Goosse, H., Barriat, P.-Y., Dalaiden, Q., Klein, F., Marzeion, B., Maussion, F., Pelucchi, P. and Vlug, A. Testing the consistency between changes in simulated climate and Alpine glacier length over the past millennium, Climate of the Past, 14, 1119–1133, (2018).
  • Dalaiden, Q., Goosse, H., Lecomte, O. & Docquier, D. A model to interpret driftwood transport in the Arctic, Quaternary Science Reviews, 191, 89–100, (2018).