Antarctic climate reconstructions
Paleo-based reconstructions

- Latest reconstruction from Dalaiden, Rezsöhazy et al., 2023
- Short description: The latest updated version of the Antarctic climate reconstruction. In comparison with the previous reconstruction, sea salt records from Antarctic ice cores are incorporated in the database
- Available on Zenodo:
- Reconstruction of unforced variability from Dalaiden et al., 2024
- Short description: This reconstruction uses ice core and coral records to provide historical changes for the unforced (i.e., without the influence of anthropogenic forcing) climate variability in the Southern Hemisphere and tropical regions
- Available on Zenodo:
- Original reconstruction from Dalaiden et al., 2021
- Short description: This reconstruction is based on a data assimilation method integrating water isotopic and snow accumulation from Antarctic ice cores in addition to Southern Hemisphere tree-ring width records
- Available on Zenodo:
Station-based reconstructions
This reconstruction is the result of a combination of long-term station-based air temperature and pressure records from the Antarctic Ice Sheet and mid-latitudes regions of the Southern Ocean and the physics of an Earth System Model to provide historical climate changes in the high-latitudes region of the Southern Hemisphere from 1958. This reconstruction is available on Zenodo: